Published onOctober 21, 2017Notes on Regression - Singular Vector DecompositionregressionolsnotesApplying the SVD to the regression framework
Published onOctober 11, 2017Mapping SG - Shiny AppSingaporeRspatialvisualisationAn R shiny application with Leaflet
Published onOctober 1, 2017Comparing the Population and Group Level RegressionregressionnotesTo what extent do the coefficients obtained from a regression carried out at the group level correspond to the estimates at the individual level?
Published onSeptember 21, 2017Notes on Regression - Maximum LikelihoodregressionolsnotesDeriving the OLS estimator via the maximum likelihood approach
Published onSeptember 13, 2017Using Leaflet in R - TutorialSingaporeRspatialvisualisationnotesA tutorial on using Leaflet in R for geospatial visualisation